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Access and Compliance

Priority Deadlines

What is the deadline for requesting academic accommodations for class?

Accommodations may be requested at any point before or within an academic term, however, a student newly registering with AAC needs to complete an AAC Application with sufficient time for staff to review the documentation and set up an intake appointment (generally a few days to several weeks depending on the time of year). Typically, new requests for accommodations that are submitted extremely late in a semester (such as final exam week) will be addressed for implementation for the following term.

Faculty also must be provided “timely notice”, meaning the student must request the Faculty notification letter through the AAC Student Portal (which then must be approved and sent to faculty by AAC) with sufficient time which could vary from a few days to several weeks, depending on the accommodation being requested.

Are there deadlines for disability accommodations or modifications related to my UM Housing assignment or required meal plan?

Yes, there are priority deadlines related to housing assignments or modifications to the required meal plans (including, but not limited to: specific types of housing, first floor rooms, elevator access, private rooms or bathrooms, accessible bathrooms, flashing fire alarms for the deaf, emotional support animals, anaphylactic food allergies, etc.)  Please see Disability-Related Housing & Dietary Requests for more information. Late requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis, as space allows, but they cannot be guaranteed after these deadlines. Late accommodation requests may be approved to be implemented at the start of the next term.

Fall Deadline               May 1st
Spring Deadline          Oct 1st
Summer Deadline       March 1st

I am approved to take exams in AAC. What is the deadline to schedule my exams?

The student is responsible for contacting AAC to reserve a testing room as early as possible, giving at least three (3) business days’ notice during the semester and at least two (2) weeks’ notice for final exams. Please see Testing Accommodations for additional information.

How long does it take to get an interpreter or real-time captionist for classes or campus events?

AAC requests advance notice in order to effectively and efficiently serve students. For new classes (registration or drop/add) advance notice is defined as at least three (3) weeks before classes begin. For other requests (such as group work, project meetings, faculty meetings), advance notice is defined as at least two (2) business days prior to the meeting/event. AAC understands that situations may not always allow for such notice, and staff will make every reasonable effort to locate an interpreter or captionist for all requests, including those received late.

I will need some books, class materials and tests in an alternate format (audio, e-text, or accessible PDF).  How much notice is needed to have those ready when classes begin?

Students requesting alternate format materials should notify AAC at least three (3) weeks in advance, providing the title, author and ISBN number and the preferred format. There is a link for Alt Format Materials for more details. As it can take far more time to obtain quality Braille materials, three (3) months is the recommended notice.

All requests for alt format textbooks will processed as quickly as possible, but we cannot guarantee that late requests will be available on the first day of class.  Alt formats of materials posted to Canvas in an inaccessible format should be brought to the attention of AAC staff as soon as possible and every effort will be made to convert those immediately.  Conversion of test materials will be coordinated with faculty.

I need to obtain accommodations for a 3rd party test for my certification, license, or for application to graduate school (such as the Praxis, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, GMAT, etc.).  How long will it take for AAC to complete that paperwork for me? 

Students often wish to request accommodations for 3rd party tests or exams required for completion of a degree, for graduate school admission, or for licensure or certification after graduation from UM programs.  Commonly requested accommodations could include extended time, distraction-reduced environment, sign language interpreter, paper vs. online format, screen reader software, etc. External testing agencies have their own processes and documentation guidelines, sometimes having detailed requirements as to the nature and age of documentation. There are often certification forms to be completed by AAC staff, and the deadlines for test accommodation requests may be earlier than AAC’s typical deadlines.

In order to effectively meet such needs, AAC requests notice of five (5) business days to prepare paperwork for the various academic and professional tests. Efforts will be made to meet all requests, but late requests cannot be guaranteed. Students should research what documentation is required and contact AAC well in advance of deadlines.